Test Fees
Candidates must pay the test fee to one of the following bank accounts. The candidate's full name and IELTS reference number must be written on the description, e.g. A3-MN002-S-XXXXXXX - NOMIN Bold.
Bank Account: 499084618 - Худалдаа Хөгжлийн Банк (Trade & Development Bank)
5129048260 - Хаан Банк (Khan Bank)
8100000044 - Богд Банк (Bogd Bank)
5005355494 - ХасБанк (XacBank)
Beneficiary's Name: ИЭСПИ Сан(ESP San)
- Test fee - 829,000 MNT
- Additional TRF request fee - 24,000 MNT
- Re-marking fee - 361,000 MNT
- Test fee refund (more than 14 days before the test) - 622,000 MNT
- Test fee refund (within 14 days but more than two days before the test) - 414,500 MNT
- Test fee refund (within two days of the test) - 207,250 MNT
- Administrative fee for cancellation & test date transfer (more than 14 days before the test) - 207,000 MNT
IELTS Life Skills A1/B1
- Test fee - 632,000 MNT
- Additional TRF request fee - 18,000 MNT
- Re-marking fee - 275,000 MNT
- Test fee refund - 474,200 MNT
- Test fee refund (more than 14 days before the test) - 474,000 MNT
- Test fee refund (within 14 days but more than two days before the test) - 316,000 MNT
- Test fee refund (within two days of the test) - 158,000 MNT
- Administrative fee for cancellation & test date transfer (more than 14 days before the test) - 158,000 MNT
Tugrik bank account details: ESP Foundation/ИЭСПИ Сан
Худалдаа Хөгжлийн Банк (Trade Development Bank) - 499 084 618
Хаан Банк (Khan Bank) - 512 904 8260
Богд Банк (Bogd Bank) - 810 000 0044
ХасБанк (XacBank) - 500 535 5494