Policies and Procedures
On Test Day
You must bring the passport/national identity card you used on the IELTS Application Form to the test. You will not be allowed to sit the test if you fail to bring your National ID Card or Passport indicated on your application form to the test.
Test Results
Test results will be available 13 days after the test, and official results are given on a Test Report Form. Your Test Report Form can be picked up at ESP Foundation.
Attention: You must bring your National ID card or Passport, which was used for the test!
You won't be eligible to receive your TRF if you are absent for any module of the written/speaking test or fail to have your photographs taken before completing the test.
The candidate will receive only ONE original Test Report Form. This is a very valuable document, and it is recommended that you keep your TRF secure. Replacement TRFs cannot be issued.
Candidates from other countries must pay a courier fee (DHL express fee) to have their results sent to their respective addresses.
NOTE: Test Centres are NOT permitted to give test results over the telephone, via fax or by email to the candidate.
Additional Test Report Form (TRF)
Each candidate receives one TRF only. However, up to five copies can be sent to the institutions of your choice at no extra charge, provided that the request is made in the IELTS application form during registration. Candidates who require additional copies to be sent internationally must pay for international postage. After that, candidates who require additional copies to be sent to institutions and organisations must complete the "Application for the Issue of Additional TRFs" form.
Download the Application for the Issue of Additional TRFs Form from the "downloadable forms" menu
Enquiry on Results
Test Takers who wish to have their test reassessed may do so within six weeks of the test date. It is now available to request an EOR directly from the Test Taker Portal at https://ieltsregistration.britishcouncil.org/login and click on the 'completed exams' tab and then on 'the date of the exam' you want to request an EOR for. This removes the need to contact the centre over the phone or email to request an EOR by filling out a form. The re-marking fee is MNT 407,000, which should be done by bank transfer. Once you complete the online EOR form and choose to 'pay another way, bank transfer payment instructions will be sent to your registered email address.
Results are usually reported within 0-21 days of receipt of the candidate's exam materials in the UK. The full fee will be refunded if a result is changed to a higher band score. The candidate will receive an EOR letter stating their final results status.
It is now available to request EOR online via your account in the Portal.
Refunds/Cancellation/Test Date Transfer Policy
Candidates who decide to cancel their registration more than two weeks before the test date will receive a refund of 565,000 MNT for paper-based IELTS tests and 570,000 MNT for computer-based IELTS tests.
Candidates who decide to cancel their registration within the two weeks before the test date will NOT receive any refund.
Candidates may transfer test dates if they notify the test centre more than two weeks before the chosen test date. The centre will charge an administrative fee of 188,000 MNT for paper-based IELTS tests and 190,000 MNT for computer-based IELTS tests. Any changes (transfer and cancellation) of test dates are allowed once only.
Note: Candidates who have booked a computer-delivered IELTS test CANNOT change their chosen test module after booking (i.e. changing the IELTS test module from Academic to General Training or vice versa). Candidates cannot change test formats from paper-based IELTS to computer-based IELTS or vice versa.
Candidates who wish to transfer test dates within the two weeks before the test date will be treated as a cancellation and receive no refund.
Candidates who are absent on the test day will lose their full test fee.
Candidates who seek to cancel their registration or transfer test dates within the two weeks before the test date will only receive a refund of 565,000 MNT for paper-based IELTS tests and 570,000 MNT for computer-based IELTS tests if they can satisfy the centre that their ability to sit the test has been affected by illness or serious cause. This transfer or cancellation should be made on the condition that a medical certificate is provided no later than five working days after the test.
Candidates who are not registered for the test may apply for a test fee refund. The centre will charge an administrative fee of MNT 10,000 if the candidate is applying for the refund at their discretion (This requirement is effective from February 01, 2016).
The refund will be transferred to your original bank account within 14 working days after receiving and approving the completed Refund Request Form.
Download the Request for Refund or Test Date Transfer Form from the "downloadable forms "menu.
All refund, cancellation, and transfer requests must be sent to us by email only from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.
One Skill Retake Cancellations and Transfer Policy
You can cancel your IELTS OSR test at any time before taking your test by notifying your Test Centre. Refund terms depend on when you cancel and whether exceptional circumstances and special considerations apply.
When the cancellation application is made | Refund eligibility |
More than 14 calendar days before the OSR test | 75% of the OSR test fees are refundable |
Within 14 days before the OSR test | No refund on OSR test fees |
Test taker exceptions and special considerations
There may be instances where you are unable to attend your test or are disadvantaged on the test day owing to illness, injury, or another exceptional event outside your control. In these cases, including instances such as bereavement, civil unrest, or domestic crisis, you may make an application to your test centre for special consideration due to exceptional circumstances. If your application is accepted, you may only be eligible for a partial refund, and it will not be possible to transfer your registration. You can find more information on this process here.
Test centre exceptions
Under certain circumstances outside of test centre control or if your test is cancelled or postponed due to other circumstances such as technical failure, venue or environmental factors, your test centre will provide you with as much notice as possible and give you the choice of a refund or a transfer to a future test date. At the IELTS Partner's discretion, the test may be cancelled, and the test taker may be ineligible for a refund should they fail to comply with the conditions listed in the Terms and Conditions. All cases for exceptional circumstances and supporting evidence must be received by your test centre no later than two calendar days after the scheduled test date.
- You may apply for a change of your test date at least five calendar days before the test; however, the acceptance of your transfer request is subject to the availability of an OSR test within the 60-day eligibility period. The eligibility period here refers to a test taker being only able to take an OSR test within 60 days from the original test date.
- If the test centre is unable to accept your transfer request due to the unavailability of a new OSR test date within the 60-day eligible period, then your transfer will be treated as a cancellation.
- Any transfer requests received less than five calendar days before the test or after will be rejected.
- You can only transfer the same booking once.
- Your test centre may charge an administration fee of up to 25% of the total test fee.
Illness on Test Day
For proven cases of illness, a candidate who falls ill at any time during the Listening, Reading, or Writing tests should be transferred to a future sitting of the test where they will be required to take all tests.
If your test centre approves your application, you will receive a refund or transfer. In some cases, this will be subject to an administrative fee. Please be aware that refunds can take four to six weeks to process. Note that there will be no adjustment to band scores.
If the candidate is taken ill during the Speaking test, they may re-take that test provided this is arranged within the two-week window allowed for the Speaking test (seven days before or after the test date). If this cannot be arranged, the candidate will be transferred to a future sitting of IELTS, where they will need to re-take all parts of the test.
Complaints procedure
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the IELTS Test Centre service and the delivery of the test and wish to make a complaint, you must submit your complaint to the Test Supervisor before you leave the centre on the test day. Complaints relating to the delivery of the test will not be accepted after test day.